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Friday, May 31, 2013

Can Global Markets Shake Off the Nikkei Jitters?

Can Global Markets Shake Off the Nikkei Jitters?
Japan's blue-chip stock index has in May suffered its two sharpest sell-offs for the year and its high volatility is fueling concern about a spill over into other major markets. The Nikkei stock index tumbled over 5 percent on Thursday to its lowest level in a month, knocked down by a strong yen and a fresh bout of profit taking on this year's double-digit gains. (Read More: If Foreigners Are Net Buyers, Who's Selling?) Equity markets in Europe and the U.S. shrugged off the Nikkei's slide to close higher, but strategists say they're not so sure how long they will stand up. "I don't know how much longer the U.S. markets can hold off [Japan volatility] and I was surprised we didn't open lower [Thursday]," said Mike Crofton, CEO at the Philadelphia Trust Company. "The market is obsessed with the Fed [Federal Reserve] and whether or not it will take its foot off the pedal and so we opened higher on the U.S. economic data," he said, offering a reason why markets had been able to withstand the Nikkei tumble. Data on Thursday showing an unexpected rise in weekly jobless claims and the U.S. economy growing at a 2.4 percent annual rate in the first quarter, slightly short of estimates for a 2.5 percent gain, eased worries that the U.S. Federal Reserve could start taking back its monetary stimulus soon. Why Global Markets Ignored the Nikkei's Sell-Off Michael Crofton, President & CEO at Philadelphia Trust Company says that while investors were spooked by the Nikkei's 5 percent plunge on Thursday, focus still remains on the Fed. (Read More: Stocks Having a 'Taper Tantrum,' Says Fidelity Pro) The Nikkei opened more than 2 percent higher on Friday and looked poised to end the month higher. After a bull-run that took off late last year amid noises about concrete steps to revive a moribund Japanese economy, May has been characterized by huge waves of profit taking in the Nikkei. Thursday's late stock-market dive came exactly a week after the market tumbled more than 7 percent in its largest one-day fall since the March 2011 tsunami and earthquake. (Read More: Japan's Nikkei – Stable Now, but for How Long?) "While the [Nikkei] volatility is contained in Asia for the time being, it is making U.S. investors nervous," said Kathy Lien, managing director at BK Asset Management in a note. "If Japanese stocks continue to fall it could indirectly trigger a top in U.S. markets as uncertainty spreads around the world." Most equity strategists remain upbeat about the outlook for the Nikkei, which is still up more than 30 percent for the year. That puts it ahead of year-to-date gains of around 16 percent in U.S. stock markets and a rise of about 13 percent in London's FTSE-100. Profit-Taking Behind Nikkei's Decline: Pro Alexander Treves, Head of Equities, Japan at Fidelity Worldwide Investment says the Nikkei's sharp correction makes sense given it's rapid increase over the past year. "It certainly has been an exciting week for Japan markets but you have to put the sell-off into the context of how far the Nikkei has risen," Alexander Treves, head of equities Japan at Fidelity Worldwide Investment in Tokyo, said. "The fundamental story remains intact and people were looking for an excuse to sell." According to analysts the outlook for the Nikkei remains positive and news this week that Japan's public pension fund, worth over $1 trillion, is mulling a change in its portfolio strategy that could allow its investments in Japanese equities to grow, add to investor optimism.
new source:   www.cnbc.com/

In Scripps National Spelling Bee, one emerges victorious with dough

In Scripps National Spelling Bee, one emerges victorious with dough
By J. Freedom du Lac, Updated: Thursday, May 30, 8:10 PM E-mail the writer The definition was a light-colored Roman marble. The language of origin was from Latin-derived Italian. Part of speech: noun. Syamantak Payra, a 12-year-old seventh-grader from Friendswood, Tex., asked Scripps National Spelling Bee pronouncer Jacques Bailly to use the word in a sentence. Video Three-time former National Spelling Bee participant Karla Miller challenges The Post newsroom to a spelling and vocabulary contest as the new rules this year require competitors to know definitions of words along with being able to spell them. Three-time former National Spelling Bee participant Karla Miller challenges The Post newsroom to a spelling and vocabulary contest as the new rules this year require competitors to know definitions of words along with being able to spell them. Ever heard of these? A selection of challenging words from the National Spelling Bee: - Aquiclude - A geological formation confining water - Bourree - Small crossing steps in ballet - Capitatim - Levied at so much per head - Erethic - Producing abnormal irritability - Lallation - Defective articulation of the letter 'l' - Minnelied - A certain song with love as its subject - Pergameneous - Resembling parchment - Sarrusophone - A type of musical instrument - Telmatology - The study of wetlands “Brianna soon learned that running on wet cipollino in her favorite panda slippers is not the best way to deliver a birthday cake,” Bailly said Thursday night in the pressure cooker of a convention center ballroom at National Harbor. Payra shifted onstage, took a deep breath and spelled: “C-I-P-O-L-I-N-O.” Ding. He had missed the second “l.” He was gone, the 86th National Spelling Bee’s seventh-place finisher, having hit his mark on “panjandrum” and “sansculottic” and “catawba” before hearing the dreaded elimination bell. It was the sound of doom at the World Series of Words. Crowd favorite Amber Born attempted to preempt it when she flamed out on “hallali” after nailing five words (and plenty of punch lines) during the high-intensity finals. “That’s not right,” she said immediately upon misspelling the word. Ding. The only speller who didn’t hear it: Arvind Mahankali, a 13-year-old eighth-grader from Bayside Hills, N.Y., won finally won after finishing third, third and ninth in the previous three years. His winning word: “knaidel,” a small mass of leavened dough — appropriate, given that he collected $30,000 for the win. He defeated Pranav Sivakumar, a 13-year-old eighth-grader from Tower Lakes, Ill., who incorrectly spelled “cyanophycean” (a blue-green alga). It marked the sixth consecutive year that a teenager of South Asian descent won the Scripps National Spelling Bee championship and the first time since 2008 that a boy took the title. Knaidel is a German-derived word, and when it was given to Mahankali, the crowd groaned given the history: Mahankali was eliminated in 2011 and 2012 on German words. On Thursday, he correctly spelled “dehnstufe” late in the finals, then won with knaidel. “The German curse has turned into a German blessing,” he said after his win. The first elimination of the high-stakes finals — broadcast live, in prime time, on ESPN — came early in the first round, when Nikitha Chandran, a 13-year-old eighth-grader from Valrico, Fla., misspelled “pathognomonic” (characteristic of a particular disease). Ding. The second round claimed Christal Schermeister, a 13-year-old from Pembroke Pines, Fla., who got a single letter wrong in “doryline” (a migratory tropical ant). Ding. Grace Remmer, a home-schooled 14-year-old from St. Augustine, Fla., spelled three words correctly in the finals (“greffier,” “lefse,” “emmeleia”) before stumbling over “melocoton,” a word, she explained later, she’d only seen once before. Earlier, the annual bee added an extra element of disappointment to its final day when some of the semifinal survivors were dismissed without having misspelled a single word onstage. Of the 18 young word nerds who spelled their two words successfully, only 11 advanced in the first year of a new format in which results of computer-based tests were used to determine the finalists. There was no elimination bell for the other seven — they just didn’t hear their names called at the end of the semifinals.
new sours:  www.washingtonpost.com

Thursday, May 30, 2013

US soldier 'relieved' at Afghan attack plea deal

US soldier 'relieved' at Afghan attack plea deal
US soldier 'relieved' at Afghan attack plea deal Cannot play media. You do not have the correct version of the flash player. Download the correct version Advertisement 30 May 2013 Last updated at 03:38 GMT Help A US soldier accused of killing 16 Afghan civilians in two rampages last year will plead guilty to avoid the death penalty, his lawyers say. Staff Sgt Robert Bales will make the plea in a hearing on 5 June. He left a US outpost in Kandahar province in the early hours of 11 March 2012, attacking two villages nearby. Most victims were women or children. Sgt Bales' defence lawyer, John Henry Browne, said that his client was "very relieved that the death penalty is not on the table". Read More Afghan attacks soldier to plead guilty

new soures: /www.bbc.co

Monday, May 20, 2013

Chinese premier calls for substantial progress in Sino-Indian cooperation.

Chinese premier calls for substantial progress in Sino-Indian cooperation.

NEW DELHI, May 20 (Xinhua) -- Visiting Chinese Premier Li Keqiang here on Monday called for joint efforts to push for fresh and substantial progress in Sino-Indian cooperation and further consolidate the bilateral strategic cooperative partnership for peace and prosperity. Li made the remarks and raised a six-point proposal on furthering bilateral ties when meeting with his Indian counterpart Manmohan Singh. Firstly, China and India should strengthen strategic communication to increase political mutual trust, said Li. Secondly, they should advance pragmatic cooperation and deepen convergence of interests. Thirdly, the two countries should enhance cooperation in defense to increase mutual trust in security affairs, said the Chinese premier. Fourthly, the two sides should expand cultural and people-to-people exchanges to enhance mutual understanding. Fifthly, the two Asian neighbors should care for each other's concerns, properly handle sensitive issues, and continue to push forward negotiations on border issues so as to jointly maintain peace and tranquility in border areas. Sixthly, Li said, the two sides should cement cooperation in international affairs to safeguard their common interests. During the meeting, Li and Singh also agreed to jointly develop large-scale cooperation projects in such fields as industrial parks and infrastructure, and called for establishing an economic corridor among China, India, Myanmar and Bangladesh so as to push for closer links between the two major markets. Li arrived in India Sunday afternoon, the first leg of his maiden foreign trip since he became premier in March. He will also visit Pakistan, Switzerland and Germany. Related: Chinese premier says India visit aims to enhance trust, deepen cooperation NEW DELHI, May 20 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said here Monday that his official visit to India is aimed at enhancing mutual trust and deepening bilateral cooperation, and is future-oriented. Full story China, India to make new engine of world economy: Chinese premier NEW DELHI, May 19 (Xinhua) -- China and India are both willing and able to foster new highlights in cooperation among Asian countries and make new engine of the world economy, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said on Sunday. Full story India anticipates fruitful visit by Chinese premier NEW DELHI, May 18 (Xinhua) -- As Chinese Premier Li Keqiang is about to pay his first official visit to India, politicians and observers here are expecting that the visit could boost bilateral ties. "This visit is special because it is the first visit abroad by the Chinese premier since he assumed office in March. The relationship between our two countries are now sound and good," Indian Foreign Minister Salman Khurshid told Xinhua in an interview.Full story Chinese premier's India trip to boost cooperation, mutual trust BEIJING, May 18 (Xinhua) -- China's Li Keqiang flies to India on Sunday for the first leg of his maiden foreign visit as premier, and the itinerary evinces the importance of bilateral ties. During his stay, Li will hold talks with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, meet with President Pranab Mukherjee and other leaders, and deliver a speech on China-India ties. Also, the two sides will sign a series of cooperation agreements.Full story Commentary: Chinese premier's India trip to evince Beijing's unwavering pursuit of better ties BEIJING, May 18 (Xinhua) -- The choice of India as the first leg of Li Keqiang's maiden overseas trip as Chinese premier sent out a clear signal that Beijing's new leadership prioritizes enhancing ties with New Delhi despite border spats and other disputes. The rationale is simple: With China and India being the world's two largest developing countries and most populous nations -- accounting for about 40 percent of the global population, a sour and bitter relationship would serve the interests of neither side.
new source: news.xinhuanet.com

The tragic love Shay Murid and Hani of Baloch history.

The tragic love Shay Murid and Hani of Baloch history.

Shay Murid and Hani are two famous and living names which reflect their glories in the pages of Baloch history,and their tragic love story is 'heard almost in very house of Balochistan.Shay Murid was the son of Shay Mubarak and Hani was the daughter of mir Deenar.Hani was Murid's cousin and was betrothed to Murid in childhood.She was kmown for her good character and faithfulness.Anyhow,Legend has it that one day when Mir Charkar Rind with his companions was returning from a day of hunting,they felt thirsty.They stopped at the town where Murid's fiancee (Hani)lived.Chakae went to Mir Deenar's home and asked for water,there wasnobody except Hani.Hani brought him clean water in a silver bowl in which she put dwarf palm leaf,properly washed.Mir Chakar was surprised by the pieces of straw;however,he drank the water with care so as to avoid swallowing the straw.Seeing this,Mir Chakar got engrossed in thinking about Hani's act of putting pieces of straw in the water.Later,he realized that Hani had acted wisely by putting pieces of straw into the water.Since he drank water on empty stomach and could be choked by drinking it in single glup.Mir Chakar was so impressed by the act of Hani;thus he wanted to marry her.He sent sazen,the crouier of chakar,with the company of another old women for selling things but their intention was to pop the question for Hani to her father.However,Hani was already betrothed to her cousin Shay Murid;Sazen did her utmost to woo her to leave Murid and marry Chakara;but her all efforts went in vain as Hani refused and took them out of her home.It is said that in the meantime.Sazen promised that one day Hani would surely be the bride of Chakar.Chakar and Sazen thought of a lot of tricks to break the engaement of Hani and Shay Murid.Sometimes later,Mir Chakara organized a gathering of nobles as and well as poets who shared poetry.At the height of it, Mir Chakar asked the nobles to make vows on which they most sacrifice their lives if required. Every chief at the gathering made a promise. Mir Jaco promised that he would chop off the head of anyone who touched his beard at the assembly of nobles. He was followed by Mir Haibitan, who vowed, if anybody's camel joined his camel-herd, he would never give it back.Mir Chakar promised that he would sit under the shadow of a tree, whosoever chopped it down. he would never make a move from the shadow of it until it is chopped down. he was true to his words. at last came the turn of shay murid, who promised,if any one asked for anything in his possession on thursday morning,he would give. right after short period,mir chakar tested mir jado's word by asking his young son to touch his father's beard during an assembly of nobles.the young boy innocently did what he was told.mir jodo turned his face and moved the boy'believing that no one noticed however'mr chakar told the boy to repeat the action. the boy grabbed his father's beard onec again. the entire assembly became silent and looked towards mir Jadowhether he would be true to his word. jado, full of anger, unsheathes his sword and smote the head of his innocent son in the presence of all the nobles. mir chakar also found others true to their words. now it was time to test shay murid,which chakar had been waiting for. chakar sent some minstrels to shay murid after offering pravers on thursday morning as chakar conspired to get hani. he instructed the minstreis to ask for hani from murid as their reward after making him pleased with the songs of praise. and they did what they were instructed. shay murid became completely shocked.he thought.Chakar would ask for hisbow which was unique but Chakar din't with a heavy heart and sadness,Shay Murid,true to his words,surrendered Hani to Chakar.The unexpected demand distressed him deeply,and Murid realized that he had lost Hani.He thought if he had not kept his promise,he would have been mocked at the exact time as well as in the future.After the annulment of Murid's engagement eith Hani,Hani was soon married to Mir Chakar.But Murid was so shaken by this ture of actions that he abandoned his former lifestyle and passed the days and nights in worship of Allah.Shay Murid couldn't bear to live in sivi (Sibi now),the toen of theirs;he de to decided to leave his native place and followed a group of mendicant going to perform their pilgrimage (hajj) at the holy citiesof Makka and madina.He remained there for a long span of time.During this period of his life;he truly became a mendicant.After spending years away,he returned to Sibi in shabby clothes with his long hair hanging down to his shoulder.In the company of beggars,he passed himself off as an unknown mendicant begging for alms at the palace of Mir Chakar Rind.The maidservant gave bowls filled with grain to each mendicant,but when she presented this food to Murid,she noticed that his eyes were fixed upon Hani.Hani recognized him at once but held herself back as not to raise suspicions.To recognize Shay Murid, the rind nobles gathered for an archery competition.During the contest,the nobles noticed the interest of Murid,who was the leader of beggars.At first,the rind nobles laughed at him because of his shabby clothes,asking that how a mendicant dressed in torn clothes could bend a bow and hit a target;however,they gave him a bow and arrow .He bent the bow but it could not bear the power of his arms and broke into pieces.They gave him another one which he also broke.After breaking the third bow,the rind nobles started realizing that he might be Shay Murid.They sent someone tofetch Murid's bow,which made out of steel and was called'jug' (yoke) because of its from and weight.When it was given to Shay Murid, he touched and kissed it gently.After examining it perfectly as a master archer,he bent the bow with great skills and shot three arrows from it which hit the exact trget the rind's experiment with bow.The rind nobles stopped Murid and sent a servant to ask Hani for Murid's distinguishing signs or marks which she would know,for the reason that the had plaved together as children Hani told of a mark which was behind his eyebrow.When the rinds checked the sign,they eventually,recognizeed Shay Murid.Although mir chakar married Hani,he was unable to consummate the marriage.Letter he realized that Hani could never trulv be his when he found out that Shay Murid head returned he told Hani that Shay Murid was a great man and deserved her.Therefore.he divorced her and told her to go to Shay Murid.Hani decided to go to Murid,the first and only love of hers.She told him mir chakar had realized his mis take and had freed her;therefore they (Shay Murid&Hani)could be together.Although it is still not clear whether they married or not,many believe they married and the same night they disappeared but to others,they didn,t marry as they believe Hani asked for marriage but Shay Murid told her that he had reached a different level and cannot step down from that level to take her. surely,Hani was the source by which he had reached closer to Allah.Murid was readv to leave her.On the following dav.Murid visited his father's camel herd,chose a white she-camel,mounted her,and disappeared from humans eves.Shay Murid has become the immortal saint of Baloch.and Baloch believe that until the living world Shay Murid remains everlasting.    written by***** waseem saleem.

Yahoo Deal Shows Power Shift .

Yahoo Deal Shows Power Shift .
Inc. YHOO -0.23% has agreed to pay $1.1 billion for Tumblr, a six-year-old company with more than 100 million users but very little revenue, a deal that highlights the shifting balance of power in the technology business. Yahoo agreed to buy blogging site Tumblr for $1.1 billion. The WSJ’s Amir Efrati tells Deborah Kan why this is a good move for the Internet giant’s expansion into social media and mobile phones. Veterans like Yahoo have shown they have staying power—and they have cash to spend. But companies like Yahoo's target, a blogging site, have something valuable as well: the rapt attention of fast-growing communities of users. That has pushed up the price tags as more established companies fear getting left behind as people's online habits evolve. Yahoo's board has approved the all-cash deal to buy Tumblr, people familiar with the matter said Sunday. Tumblr's board also has approved the deal, one of the people said. A deal could be announced as soon as Monday, the person said. Spokeswomen for Yahoo and Tumblr didn't respond to a request for comment. More on Tumblr In a 2012 interview, Tumblr's David Karp spoke to the Wall Street Journal about how he started the company and where he's headed with it. Read the interview. ATD: Board Approves Deal as Expected Heard on the Street: Tumblr of Opportunity Earlier: Will Yahoo Try to Get Its 'Cool Again' Why Yahoo is Sweet on Tumblr Yahoo Wants Out of Microsoft Deal 5/7/2013 Yahoo Scraps Deal for French Video Site 4/30/2013 Yahoo's Ad Struggles Persist 4/16/2013 Yahoo, Apple Discuss Deeper iPhone Partnership 4/9/2013 Timeline: A Changing Internet Pioneer See key dates in the history of Yahoo, which helped to revolutionize the Web. View Graphics More photos and interactive graphics The transaction would add Yahoo to the list of established Internet companies, including Google Inc. GOOG +0.59% and Facebook Inc., FB +0.46% that have spent $1 billion or more apiece to buy startup companies in hopes of gaining an edge in growth. Facebook, for instance, last year paid cash and stock initially valued at about $1 billion to buy revenue-free Instagram, a popular photo-sharing service. Google famously paid $1.65 billion in stock seven years ago for YouTube, the online-video behemoth. In a smaller deal, in dollar terms, but one that reflects the appetite among old-line Internet companies for fresh blood, AOL bought Huffington Post for $315 million in 2011. Yahoo Chief Executive Marissa Mayer's deal for Tumblr would give Yahoo, one of the original big Internet companies, a fast-growing Web service that could fill one of its many holes—namely, the lack of a thriving social-networking and communications hub. Tumblr is popular with many younger adults, in contrast with Yahoo's older customer base. Tumblr is also growing more quickly on smartphones than Yahoo. Yahoo would be paying a premium for the company. When Tumblr last raised money, in late 2011, the $85 million venture-capital investment it received valued the company at $800 million. The deal would be a big win for Tumblr CEO and founder David Karp, who remains a large shareholder, and the site's early venture investors, which include Union Square Ventures, Spark Capital and Sequoia Capital. The acquisition would be a big bet for Yahoo, given Tumblr's financial performance so far. But Yahoo needs the growth. Its annual revenue has been stuck for years around $5 billion, and the company's big presence on personal computers hasn't translated well to mobile devices, where it lacks the advantage of Apple Inc.'s AAPL -0.30% coveted hardware or Google's ubiquitous smartphone operating software, Android. Enlarge Image image image NBC / Associated Press Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer's deal for Tumblr would give her company a social-networking and communications hub. Meanwhile, Facebook and Google have demonstrated that a vast audience for free content can bring in significant advertising revenue. New York-based Tumblr, founded in 2007, has 175 employees, more than 108 million blogs and, according to comScore Inc., SCOR +3.85% had nearly 117 million unique users world-wide in March. That is up from around 58 million a year ago. The site is among a number of fast-growing startups, including online scrapbook Pinterest and news aggregation site Reddit. Tumblr built that following by making it easy for people to create blogs and post writings, photos and videos. Tumblr users can follow other people's updates the way Facebook users follow friends—and easily share their work. With these features, Tumblr lowered the bar for online publishing and effectively merged blogging with social media. In a pattern typical of young Internet companies, Mr. Karp, the CEO, has focused on increasing his site's user base while placing a lower priority on making money. The company didn't begin placing ads on its service until last year. In recent news reports, Mr. Karp, who once told the Los Angeles Times he was "pretty opposed to advertising," said Tumblr generated $13 million in revenue last year. Yahoo plans to allow Mr. Karp to continue to run the site and operate largely separately from the rest of Yahoo, people familiar with the matter said. Yahoo believes it could help Tumblr bring in more money by selling ads—boosting its own revenue in the process, people familiar with the matter said. Tumblr potentially offers personal data on millions of individual users, and an ability to help Web content go "viral" as friends share popular posts. Data is at the heart of Yahoo's ability to sell online advertising across its sites, based on what it knows about its people's interests. Enlarge Image image image Ms. Mayer, recruited to lead Yahoo last summer after a 13-year career at Google, became interested in Tumblr a couple of months ago, one of the people familiar with the matter said. Its sleek aesthetic fit with her vision for Yahoo, another person said. Last week, All Things Digital, which, like The Wall Street Journal, is owned by News Corp.'s NWSA +1.10% Dow Jones & Co., reported that the two companies were in talks. There are several risks for Yahoo. A popular venue for teens, Tumblr includes many Web pages of racially insensitive, pornographic and other sexually oriented content. Such pages wouldn't be attractive to advertisers. There is also the risk of diminishing Tumblr's appeal among some users with too-aggressive a push to bring in advertising revenue. Writing on his Tumblr blog Saturday, John Saroff, a former Google executive, estimated Tumblr could generate $108 million or more a year based on the rates advertisers generally are willing to pay for graphical ads online. But he said Tumblr was "correct" to resist filling its site with advertising since doing so could upset its core audience. He added that Tumblr, as a blogging platform, would likely have to get permission from Tumblr blog writers like him before it could place ads on the blogs and share revenue. He compared the business model to that of Google's YouTube video site, where the company shares revenue with video creators. "It requires product vision, engineering talent, business development work and account management skills that took Google/YouTube years to grow with many fits and starts," Mr. Saroff wrote. Facebook, concerned about alienating users, has yet to place ads in Instagram. Google also moved carefully in placing ads on YouTube, but the video site has since become a significant revenue generator. Google doesn't break out YouTube's financial information, but Morgan Stanley MS +2.48% recently estimated that YouTube is on track to generate more than $700 million in operating income on about $4 billion in sales. Ms. Mayer has made a number of moves to expand Yahoo's presence on mobile devices, freshen up its sites and boost its revenue. Acquisitions, however, also have long been expected to be part of her strategy. Yahoo has a mixed record on the deal front. It acquired photo sharing site Flickr eight years ago but allowed it to be outpaced by new rivals like Instagram. It also explored but never consummated deals over the years with companies like YouTube, ecommerce site eBay Inc., EBAY +1.63% online advertising company DoubleClick and Facebook. While Ms. Mayer has continued to engage in early-stage deal talks with a wide range of video, social-networking and advertising-technology companies, according to people familiar with the talks, to date, she only has bought small companies for their engineering and product-management talent. Yahoo recently pulled out of a roughly $200 million deal to buy a controlling interest in the video website Dailymotion, owned by France Telecom SA, because the French government said it would object to the deal, people familiar with the matter have said. The valuations placed on social media sites like Tumblr make little sense under typical financial analysis. But big technology companies have become more willing to spend large amounts of money on such companies given the financial performance of social media companies such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, executives and investors said. In the first quarter, Facebook saw $219 million in net income on almost $1.5 billion in sales, as mobile advertising soared to about 30% of its total ad revenue. Last year, Twitter generated $288 million in advertising revenue, according to research firm eMarketer Inc.

new source: conline.wsj.com

Thursday, May 16, 2013

What an object human is?

What an object human is?What an object human is? For the purpose of earning wealth looses it is affection. After he spends much wealth to obtain that lost affection. What he think for future in place of enjoying he looses it is percent the time future come. Keep thing for post.****
written by waseem saleem

China eyes Arctic options in energy, transport.

China eyes Arctic options in energy, transport.

Editor's note: Geoff Hiscock is a former Asia business editor for CNN.com and is the author of "Earth Wars: The Battle for Global Resources," published by Wiley. (CNN) -- The decision to grant permanent observer status to China and five other nations by the Arctic Council meeting in Sweden Wednesday reflects the heightened interest by some of the world's most powerful economies in an area rich in oil, gas, minerals, fish and new transport possibilities. For new observer nations China, Japan and South Korea, shorter shipping routes to Europe through Arctic waters could open up prospects of new energy supply options later this decade, such as liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Russia's Yamal Peninsula in northwest Siberia. It could also lessen China's dependence on oil and gas shipped from the Middle East, which must pass through the Southeast Asian chokepoint of the Strait of Malacca. Allied to China's interest of getting oil and gas delivered from new pipelines across Myanmar and Central Asia, the potential of the Arctic trade routes loom large in China's strategic thinking. Five years ago, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) described the vast Arctic continental shelf as potentially the "largest unexplored prospective area for petroleum remaining on Earth." A new U.S. Arctic policy unveiled by the Obama administration last week cites that 2008 study, which estimated that about 13% of the world's undiscovered oil and 30% of its undiscovered gas lies north of the Arctic Circle. Glaciers melting around the world Shell weighs risks in Arctic drilling In a 2012 update, the USGS put the mean undiscovered estimate of recoverable oil in Russia's Arctic provinces alone at 28 billion barrels, plus about 27 trillion cubic meters of gas. China is keen to be more than just a customer for this Russian oil and gas. In February, the heads of China's three state-controlled oil and gas majors -- China National Petroleum Corp (CNPC), Sinopec and China National Offshore Oil Corp (CNOOC) -- met one of Russia's most influential players in the energy sector, Igor Sechin, chief executive of state-owned oil company Rosneft. The following month, Rosneft struck a deal with CNPC, giving it access to Arctic resources. The Arctic Council, made up of the United States, Russia, Canada and the five Nordic nations -- Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Iceland -- was set up in 1996 to coordinate policy in a resource-rich but environmentally sensitive part of the world. Before Wednesday's decision there were already six observer states: the UK, France, Germany, Poland, Spain and the Netherlands. Now the permanent observers are being joined by China, Japan, India, South Korea, Singapore and Italy, meaning that all of the key Asian economies now have a seat at the Arctic table, even though they will not have a vote on the Arctic Council. The European Union, the other major body seeking observer status, had its application affirmed but "deferred," a rebuff that is likely related to an unresolved dispute with Canada over the fur seal trade. Both China and India already have polar research stations in the northern part of Norway, as do most of the other observer nations. The Arctic's importance has gained extra strategic and economic significance as melting ice in the polar region strengthens the feasibility of nations to use the Northern Sea Route (NSR) across the top of Russia and the Northwest Passage through Canada's Arctic archipelago. Canada claims the passage, which links the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, runs through its internal waterways. The U.S. and other countries contest this, maintaining it is an international strait. For China, the main transportation focus is the NSR, which runs along the northern coastline of Siberia from Novaya Zemlya to the Bering Strait. It is open only for about five months of the year, from late June to November or early December, and requires icebreakers to cut a path through the Arctic ice for specially strengthened oil and gas carriers. But the route cuts as much as three weeks from shipping times between Europe and Asia. For example, Murmansk to China's Ningbo port near Shanghai is 13,000 km via the NSR, compared with 22,000 km via the Mediterranean Sea, Suez Canal, Indian Ocean and Strait of Malacca. In August to September last year, China sent its one and only icebreaker Xue Long (Snow Dragon) on a successful two-way test run of the NSR. It plans to add a second icebreaker to its fleet in 2014-15. Over the past two sailing seasons, Russian oil and gas companies have tested the route for gas condensate and LNG shipments. In June 2011, Novatek, Russia's biggest non-state gas company, sent 60,000 tons of gas condensate from Murmansk to the Chinese port of Ningbo aboard the MV Perseverance on a three-week voyage. At the end of 2012, Russian state-owned gas giant Gazprom sent a 66,000-tonne cargo of LNG from Statoil's Hammerfest terminal in Norway to the Japanese port of Tobata between November 7 and December 5. The route was cleared by three Russian icebreakers. For now, the NSR is still very much in a test phase. According to the Centre for High North Logistics, an Arctic-focused information center based in Kirkenes, Norway, 46 vessels used the NSR in 2012, carrying about 1.26 million tons of cargo. That was an increase of more than 50% from 2011. China envisages exporting consumer goods aboard container ships to Europe and receiving LNG cargoes via the NSR. Novatek, for example, is building a new port at Sabetta on the Yamal peninsula to service the LNG trade to Asia, with expectations of first gas in 2016 and exports of 15 million tons a year by 2018. The NSR's shortcomings are considerable: a short sailing season, the cost of hiring icebreakers, the operational hazards of extreme northern waters and the environmental risks of oil spills, collisions or sinkings. Even so, this Arctic shipping route is likely to be the focus of intense interest by China over the next decade.

new source dition.cnn.com

Poet Get your win.

 Poet    Get your win.It is salient to get freedom for our nation
By the help of our youth education.
 It is epoch of win, take the pen get your win.
 We shouldn’t be depress to give our like
One-day blood will bright.
 It is the time to get win, take the pen get your win
. Let there ringleader to put us on swords
Awareness is key awareness is our master.
 This is the time to get win, take the pen get your win.
 I drown my kind attention
  Education will help the nation.
 This is the time to get win, take the pen get your win.
 Pen is mightier than sword
 Awareness is key awareness is our master.
 It is epoch of win, take the pen get your win.
 It isn’t impenetrable to get victory
However, it is impassable to get victory.
 This is the time to get win, take the pen get your win. Written by ***** waseem saleem

Afghanistan suicide blast targeting NATO convoy kills at least 8 in Kabul

Afghanistan suicide blast targeting NATO convoy kills at least 8 in Kabul

A suicide car bomber attacked a NATO convoy in the Afghan capital on Thursday, killing at least eight Afghans in the explosion and wounding more than 30, a senior Afghan police official told CBS News. Muslim militant group Hizb-e-Islami claimed responsibility for the early morning attack. The powerful explosion rattled buildings on the other side of Kabul and sent a pillar of white smoke into the sky in the city's east. NATO spokesman Lt. J.G. Quenton Roehricht said the international alliance can "confirm an explosion occurred on a coalition convoy in Kabul this morning," but provided no further details. Audit: Afghan gov't bilked U.S. contractors for $93M in taxes 3 U.S. troops killed in Afghan blast, NATO says Complete coverage: The U.S. in Afghanistan An Afghan Army officer and Afghan police at the scene told CBS News Kabul bureau chief Mukhtar Ahmad that U.S. nationals and an Afghan interpreter working alongside them were killed in the blast, but the information could not be immediately confirmed by CBS News, and various sources offered conflicting information on the casualties. When Ahmad reached the scene of the explosion, approximately one hour after the blast, it was already being secured by a heavy U.S. troop presence, and a team of U.S. military incident investigators arrived soon after. Kabul provincial police spokesman Hashmad Stanakzi said the suicide bomber attacked the convoy with a car packed with explosives. "The explosion was very big. It set the nearby buildings on fire," Stanakzi said. He said there were people killed and several were wounded but he could not immediately give exact numbers. "The casualty numbers are high and mostly civilian." Kabul police chief of investigations Zahir Zahir told CBS News that eight Afghan civilians were killed in the explosion, including two children. Zahir was not able to confirm any foreign deaths. Two Kabul hospitals reported that at least 37 wounded were brought in from the scene, city hospitals chief Kabir Amiri said, adding that the toll could increase as more hospitals report in. The bodies were too badly charred to immediately identify, he added. / iStockphoto A spokesman for Hizb-e-Islami, Haroon Zarghoon, told The Associated Press that one of the movement's operatives carried out the attack on what he described as two vehicles of American advisers. He claimed that most of the American advisers were killed and their vehicles destroyed, though neither Afghan nor coalition officials have confirmed any foreign casualties. Afghan insurgents often exaggerate the success of their attacks. Hizb-e-Islami is headed by 65-year-old former warlord Gubuddin Hekmatyar, a former Afghan prime minister and one-time U.S. ally who is now listed as a terrorist by Washington. The militia has thousands of fighters and followers across the country's north and east. Thursday's attack was the second in eight months claimed by Hizb-e-Islami. In September, the militant group claimed responsibility for a suicide car bombing that killed least 12 people. At the time, Hizb-e-Islami said the attack was revenge for the film "Innocence of Muslims," which was made by an Egyptian-born American citizen and infuriated Muslims abroad for its negative depiction of the Prophet Muhammad. Hizb-e-Islami had been involved last year in seeking to participate in a so-far fruitless peace and reconciliation efforts led by Afghan President Hamid Karzai. Its more moderate parts are thought to have close ties to the Karzai administration.

new source:  www.cbsnews.com



Education is the most important thing for our nation. Education is playing important role in our life. Education means training for life it creates many tips to our life. Saba Dashtihari said that knowledge is that thing which gives you identity. Education is most powerful things which you have no ones can challenge you. Without education we are nothing. Education is every thing. If we do not have any knowledge about any things. Then how we know which thing is good and which thing is bad. This is education to tell us which thing is best for you. Like to say education is like a see no one knows how it’s deeper and how it’s wide. Education makes you a butter human being. Education is not only creates better human beings but also contributes to the transformation of society. There isn’t a single nation without education they are spending a successful life, without education they achieved their goal. It is impossible without education no one can achieve their aim. Reality we are not aware what is education? Today we just know some words then we call this is education. Education is that thing which you spend it never finishes rather it gives benefit. According to nelson Mandela “education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” here this saying means if you have knowledge you can do everything. May be you can baring new change in the world. Also education without good bet avian is like a tree without fruit. According to George Washington carver” education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom”. Written by…… waseem saleem

At Least 6 Dead After Tornadoes Rip Through North Texas

At Least 6 Dead After Tornadoes Rip Through North Texas
At least 6 people were killed and dozens more injured after a series of tornadoes ripped through parts of North Texas destroying homes, officials said. More than 100 homes were destroyed in the Rancho Brazos subdivision near Granbury, Texas, where the six people were killed, Hood County Sheriff Roger Deeds said. Deeds cautioned that the death toll could climb as parts of the subdivision are "heavily damaged" or "completely destroyed" after three tornadoes ripped through the area around 8 p.m. local time Wednesday. Deeds said officials were trying to account for 14 people, but it was not clear if they were missing or were away from the area for other reasons. Many of the homes in the subdivision were built by Habitat for Humanity, Deeds said. Lake Granbury Medical Center received 48 patients, who were treated for lacerations, fractures and contusions, hospital spokeswoman Dixie Lee Hedgecock said. Some have already been treated and released while others were moved to hospitals in Fort Worth. Granbury, a town of about 8,000 people, is 40 miles southwest of Fort Worth. More than 100 residents have been bused to makeshift shelters at local churches where the Red Cross are providing supplies and resources. Rescue crews in Granbury continue to dig through the rubble of destroyed homes and buildings searching for survivors. The region was hit hard by strong thunderstorms Wednesday that produced heavy rain and hail up to the size of a "softball." Deeds said the storm intensified around 7:30 p.m. local time. Residents received a warning through the phone about 10-15 minutes before the storm intensified. Deeds said the situation may have been far worse if not for the emergency alert. "We did use our Code Red Emergency Phone Notification System to alert the citizens of the county in the affected areas and in the areas that were going to be affected," he said. At Stumpy's Lakeside Grill in Lake Granbury, the storm took diners and workers by surprise. Some people rushed inside from the patio and ducked under tables as the wind gusts and hail started. "The boat docks just flew off, and they're actually gone," Eric Martinez told The Associated Press. In Johnson County, Cleburne Mayor Scott Cain warned residents to remain indoors. "We've got power lines that have been down throughout that area. A lot of flooding, a lot of roof damage. I know there are a couple of confirmed reports of some families that are trapped inside their home," Cain told ABC News Radio. Storm spotters told the National Weather Service that a twister in Cleburne was a mile wide, according to the AP. Cleburne, a city of about 30,000 people, is 25 miles southeast of Granbury. In the town of Millsap, "large and damaging hail...baseball to softball size hail," was reported according to Joel Kertok, spokesman for Parker County. "Numerous reports of funnels and even some possible additional tornadoes touched down," Kertok told ABC News Radio.

new source:  abcnews.go.com

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Poet. ***Our teachers.

Our teachers
We are thankful our great teachers They make our beautiful future. Thanks for my life has so bright They always show us that, which is right. They told us to work with strong motion Then we will creats one great nation. They told to achieve success field of education This is the basic roots to reach destination. Today everyone likes to sing Thank you teachers for everything. They told us take book to read Future will shine for you to be succed. Written by ***** waseem saleem

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