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Thursday, May 16, 2013



Education is the most important thing for our nation. Education is playing important role in our life. Education means training for life it creates many tips to our life. Saba Dashtihari said that knowledge is that thing which gives you identity. Education is most powerful things which you have no ones can challenge you. Without education we are nothing. Education is every thing. If we do not have any knowledge about any things. Then how we know which thing is good and which thing is bad. This is education to tell us which thing is best for you. Like to say education is like a see no one knows how it’s deeper and how it’s wide. Education makes you a butter human being. Education is not only creates better human beings but also contributes to the transformation of society. There isn’t a single nation without education they are spending a successful life, without education they achieved their goal. It is impossible without education no one can achieve their aim. Reality we are not aware what is education? Today we just know some words then we call this is education. Education is that thing which you spend it never finishes rather it gives benefit. According to nelson Mandela “education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” here this saying means if you have knowledge you can do everything. May be you can baring new change in the world. Also education without good bet avian is like a tree without fruit. According to George Washington carver” education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom”. Written by…… waseem saleem


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