A great writer says that the love of money is the root of all evil.Before going to the depth let me define what the education is It means to know something.To my point of view money is necessary in every field of life weather that is education,or any work if we say money is better then education if we don't have money how can we read.How can we go for our higher education to me money and education two of them are necessary in every human's life.Education simply makes you a good human being how to behave with others how to deal with the next person.And if you want to get education then money is needed.Is we talk about our leaders.of course they are education.Because they have spent money for education.They were in other countries.They spent lots of money for getting education.Leave others.Our kids.Brothers,sister they are reading in private schools.Due to money.At the end I just want to say that money and education both play a great role in our life.That's why we have to get education and money plays a vital role to get education. written by waseem saleem
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